All posts tagged: avocado

Pesto Vinaigrette

So you made some Pesto which goes really well with the hot ribbons of tagliatelle you made. That kept you interested for a couple of days. But now you’re tired of pasta, and pesto is following close behind to be stored at the back of the fridge and forgotten. It really doesn’t have to end this way. Really. A couple of splashes of lemon and white wine vinegar - and you have revived the green sauce to become Pesto dressing, perfect for drizzling over a tomato and mozzarella salad. The croutons as pictured were made simply preparing a dish of olive oil, ripped fresh thyme, crushed garlic and salt, heating in the oven for a few minutes before tossing in ripped up pieces of a good loaf of white bread and returning it to the oven to crisp. Now if that doesn’t get your taste buds going, then maybe make less Pesto next time…enjoy x

Avocado & Egg Breakfast Burritos

  As far as savoury breakfasts go, mine have been limited to but a few: beans on toast; fried or scrambled egg…with beans on toast.  Or if I wander to my family home: fried bakes, buljol (a kind of salt-fish salad), mushrooms and avocado; all washed down with some mint tea. But now that I’m on this health trip, which I sincerely hope survives longer than most of my pre- summer holiday crash diets, I’ve been looking for healthy tastier alternatives that can work both on a weekend when I have a bit more time on your hands. Don’t get me wrong baked beans on toast can work, once in a while, but now only if I’m prepared to make my own from scratch, reducing my salt and sugar intake. I’ve also found and I know some of my friends think I’m just attention seeking here, but I am allergic to the ‘Hass’ variety of Avocado: the one with black bumpy skin commonly sold in the shops or piled high in crates at market stalls it has become my …

Spring Salad Series: Kale & Avocado

If you are anything like me, then you will understand when I say that I have not always been a great big fan of Kale. Kale is like the adult equivalent of my childhood trauma with spinach: I thought I had overcome the beast of eating greens and grown up, until I met big daddy Kale in the vegetable aisle. At first I added it to smoothies and diced in chunks of pineapple and mango to disguise its taste and texture. And it worked for the most part. Having said that I actually prefer Kale slightly stir fried in the same way I would other stir fry vegetables, maybe the heat softens its coarse texture. But then came the challenge of Kale fully raw. This salad does the trick, I think the key is not chopping it too finely and also combining it with strong flavours, here I have used balsamic vinegar. You can also dress it with my vegan ranch dressing too! Kale is low in calories and high in fiber and has zero …