Sun dried Tomato Feta Parcels

I could sit and munch on these little parcels all day. In fact when I go out to a Turkish Restaurant in London, I almost always order the feta cheese parcels from the… Continue reading

Roasted Pumpkin & Garlic Soup

So this is how you make effortless, tasty and satisfying soup in minutes. Soup doesn’t have to be complicated nor does it need a whole bunch of ingredients to leave your mouth watering… Continue reading

Don’t be Cagey…talk to me!

Since I started cooking seriously on a regular basis, I think I’ve become a lot more conscious of where my ingredients are sourced from and how they’ve been stored or fed. It’s important… Continue reading

“Make-Away” Thai Green Fish Curry

The last two weeks have probably been the most hectic; if I haven’t seen the inside of my fridge for a few days, you know there is something wrong. It’s in those spaces that I’ve… Continue reading

National Vegetarian Awareness Month

  Vegetarians around the world are celebrating! October 1st was the launch of World Vegetarian Day, kicking off Vegetarian Awareness Month, with World Vegan Day rounding out the month on the first of November.… Continue reading

Baking for Macmillan: Lemon Sponge with Fresh Blueberry Cream

Last week Friday I was invited to take part in the ‘Biggest Coffee Morning’ on record. It’s Macmillan’s biggest fundraising event of the year, where people across the UK hold a coffee morning… Continue reading

Quick Golden Multi-seed Bread

There is nothing more appealing than the smell and look of fresh bread from straight out the oven. It sends you drooling, scrambling for the bread knife or the first opportunity to rip a piece… Continue reading

The Classics: Brown Stew Chicken

I grew up watching my Mum do all the cooking in our home. But when I was old enough to appreciate that my Mum had a job which sometimes involved working nights, I had to… Continue reading

Spiced Porridge w/ Sweet Sprinkles

I used to think anything that was good for me normally takes a long time to prepare, before I realised I was really just making excuses for eating the sugary, empty carb, fattening diet… Continue reading

Creamy Spaghetti with Italian Style Sprinkles

This recipe was literally created on the journey home from work. I had a mental picture in my head of what I had left in the fridge, cupboard and wherever else I hid food in… Continue reading

Say Cheese…!

Someone once said that the best things in life come in threes like friends, dreams and memories. I would like to stick this cake at the end of that quote, because the three layers… Continue reading

Green Fig Salad

  It was only during my first trip to Trinidad as a teenager that I realised the sheer variety of bananas that existed. Most of us are familiar with the Chiquito variety of medium sized… Continue reading

Jollof Cous Cous w/ Honey Glazed Baked Chicken

  Giant Couscous is the big brother of regular Couscous. Just like my older brothers (I have two) it’s bolder in shape and size and can take the heat (giant couscous is normally toasted… Continue reading

The Guardian News: You Are Awesome!

This is just a short but to the point massive thank you to the Guardian Newspaper for making my weekend very special! Thank you for sharing my recipe for Lemon Passion Polenta Cake… Continue reading

XinXim (de Galinha)

Brazil is infamous for three things: Football, Carnival and Cuisine. I forgave them for their disappointing yet memorable defeat at the World Cup when I discovered their champion dish whilst dining in Las Iguanas during the football season. Apparently… Continue reading

Guyanese: Pine Tarts

A friend of mine ‘returned home’ to get married in Guyana and a couple of our mutual friends joined her for the experience. For most of them, this was their first trip to Guyana; although of… Continue reading

Spiced Walnut Butter

      If your anything like me, walnuts haven’t rated too highly on my ‘nut list’ either. But did you know that walnuts have the highest amount of omega 3- fatty acid… Continue reading

Roasted Chickpea Salad

  I’ve been talking about making this recipe for so long and now I’ve finally made it. It was certainly worth the prep talk! Salads can be boring at times, especially if you… Continue reading

Vanilla Cardamom infused Mango w/ Honeyed Greek Yoghurt

  Greek Yoghurt has become my new obsession, especially now that I appreciate its health benefits a bit more. I have always been a lover of yoghurts: my family of 6 was split… Continue reading

Avocado & Egg Breakfast Burritos

  As far as savoury breakfasts go, mine have been limited to but a few: beans on toast; fried or scrambled egg…with beans on toast.  Or if I wander to my family home:… Continue reading

Coconut Lentils w/ Honey Roasted Salmon

  It’s with sadness that I have to announce that this recipe will be the final act in the ‘Beat the Bloat’ series. It’s been really special guys, I have loved the research and… Continue reading

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