Street Food
Comment 1

Spinach Rice

“Eat your Greens…”

‘Mature’ spinach as I like to call it, has a stronger taste and smell than baby spinach which is why I recommend it for this dish. I bought mine in my local market for 40p a bunch, not bad!

Blending some for spinach helps create the green vivid colour in the rice, but still allows you to enjoy the texture of the spinach running through.

To make the rice tender and grainy, I prefer to use a pan with a large surface area rather than a pot, that way I avoid having to stir the pot and the flavours get evenly distributed. Its optional to stir in the butter after the rice has cooked rather than during the cooking process. I’ve had some excellent feedback on this recipe, I hope you enjoy it as much as I have!


Spinach Rice

  • Servings: 3-4
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  • 2 cups of washed Basmati Rice
  • 1/2 white onion - finely chopped
  • 2-3 garlic cloves - crushed
  • 1 tsp minced ginger
  • 4 sprigs of fresh thyme
  • 2 cups of freshly chopped spinach (mature not baby spinach if possible)
  • 1/2 scotch bonnet pepper - crushed
  • 1/2 vegetable stock jelly
  • slat/pepper to taste
  • knob of butter/ margarine
  • 3 cups water.


  • Wash the rice and leave to soak in 2 cups of cold water
  • fry onion, garlic, thyme until soft
  • add pepper, ginger, spinach, vegetable stock cube and stir for a minute or two until the spinach wilts.
  • add 1 cup of water and allow to simmer for 5 minutes on a medium heat
  • take half of the spinach and transfer to a liquidizer, removing all stems of thyme before doing so. Allow it to cool before blending the spinach to a smooth pulp. Then return the pulp to the main pot
  • add the rice and stir gently before adding another cup of water and knob of butter. You want the water to be the same level as the rice, no more.
  • cover the rice and allow it to simmer on a low heat for 10-15 minutes. Do not stir. If you must, use a fork to check the rice is cooked or the water has evaporated. If it needs more water, add a little at a time.


1 Comment

  1. Pingback: Chipotle Stew Chicken | Loretta's Kitchen

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